Want a piece?

If you would like to use any Nine Terrains material, commission us for a specific project or book us for a live event, please send a request for our consideraiton.  

If you have any complaints, please get in contact with us before taking further action

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The content of the website www.nineterrainsmusic.com (music, video and photography) is owned by Nine Terrains and its associated authors/composers.   

In the songs, all musical score and lyrics are completely original and copyright is maintained by the authors, except where expressly stated.  Such additional material is used under 'Fair use' copyright policy as the material is not reproduced in its entirety, significant 'value' has been added and alterations have been made to the structure and context of the original.  

When covers are performed, they are explicitly stated and labelled 'cover'.  The original artist will be credited (and produced with their permission, where possible).